Some users call us because they can’t do something that they used to be able to do - namely, see other layers even if those layers have a different scale.
The newer versions of Vectorworks have, by default, something called Unified View turned on.
Unified View allows you to see all parts of a house properly lined up, one above the other, when viewing your drawing in a 3D view. However, by default Unified View doesn’t allow you to view other layers at other scales.
To view other layers at other scales (usually done when in 2D top/plan view), you have 2 options:
- Turn OFF unified view. (this can also be done in the VIEW menu of Vectorworks.) However, Unified View is very useful, so you may not want to do this.
- In the View menu, under Unified View Options, uncheck the options to "ignore layers at different scales". This is typically the solution we recommend.
This will make any other layer that is marked ‘visible’ show up, as long as the user ALSO has layer views set to show others, or show/snap others, or show/snap/modify others.
Please review this video for more information: