Q: We are currently using Vectorworks primarily as a 2D tool and using little of its 3D, BIM and File Sharing capabilities. Do you have any suggestions on the best way to educate ourselves to get more out of the application.
First off, have you checked out our website? We have compiled a list of great, free resources to help build some base knowledge about Vectorworks.
Now, while you may not be not brand new to Vectorworks per se, do check out the “Getting Started Guides” listed on that page as they are worth reviewing (or cherry-picking for the topics you want/need). The Youtube channel listed on that page is also a good spot to go for focused video on specific topics.
On top of that, Jonathan Pickup's manuals, which are now available online, are superb and easy-to-access.
Don’t balk at the price of the manuals either… They will pay you back multiple times through speed and accuracy. They are a great way to get new staff up to speed with best practice techniques and workflows with very little effort on your part.
I have personally completed and recommend Jonathan's previous Architect, 3D Modelling and Essentials manuals.
If you would like to get a sense of how the manuals work, I’ve written reviews of a couple of them here and here.
Also I cannot recommend highly enough subscribing to Jonathan’s Archoncad website.
If you take the time to go through the material, and especially if you come to the monthly webinars, you WILL become more productive. Paxar's technical support team members Neil and Rob have been subscribers for years. To get a sense of just some of the material that Jonathan has, check out these “guides”:
Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM)
If you need assistance beyond, or in tandem with, educating yourselves, there is the option of hiring a trainer. Personal Vectorworks training information can be found here.
If you need assistance beyond, or in tandem with, educating yourselves, there is the option of hiring a trainer. Personal Vectorworks training information can be found here.