If you commonly use DWG or DXF files, or if you choose to change the User Origin, you should familiarize yourself with the following material.


Recommended Origin Settings in Vectorworks:


There is a good article explaining the different ‘origins’ that are part of the Vectorworks world:

Origins and Large Coordinate Values


The takeaway is that the Vectorworks Internal Origin should always be centred around the design data (your drawn objects). Moving the data a long way away from this origin will cause problems with rotated views, with Open GL, with some duplication issues and other less clearly documented issues.


  • If you look at a file and are centred on the drawing outline, but the origin (rulers) don’t show 0,0  it is likely that the Vectorworks origin is no longer centred on your design data.
  • If you look at your data and it isn’t centred on the page outline, it is likely you have an origin issue.
  • If you look at your data and it is centred on the page, turn on the Vectorworks Internal Origin and check to see that it is centred within the design.

You may find it worthwhile to review this article entitled How to correct your Vectorworks file when you are very far from Internal Origin.

Note: This is a problem for any CAD software, not just Vectorworks. Further reading on this topic can be found in these documents, showing that issues arising working far from Origin is not isolated to Vectorworks.

Also note that if you are working with DWGs in your workflow, we highly recommend you review this material as well.