1. In Vectorworks, go to the “About Vectorworks” splash screen (On a Mac this screen is under the Vectorworks menu. On a Windows computer, this screen is under the Help menu.)
  2. Click on the Check for Updates button.
  3. If a window appears stating that Vectorworks is up to date, then there is no update for you to do. Your Vectorworks version is current.
  4. If a window appears staying that there is an update available, click on the More Info button.
  5. You will be taken to a website where you can download the update. Download the update appropriate to your operating system. It will take a bit of time to download.
  6. While the update is downloading, quit Vectorworks.
  7. Once the update has downloaded, locate it in your Downloads folder or wherever you chose to save it.
  8. Unzip/decompress/unpack the updater if need be.
  9. Double-click the updater and follow the instructions the start the updater. Allow it to complete its update process.
  10. Once the updater has completed its job, quit it and delete the updater so it doesn’t occupy space on your hard drive.
  11. Run Vectorworks and it will now be up to date.