No, you do not need to install your previous version of Vectorworks in order to install or upgrade to the new version. Each version of Vectorworks is its own stand-alone application (with its own unique serial number) that is separate from the previous version.

  • For example, if you own VW2017, you do not need to have VW2017 installed in order to install VW2018. You may install VW2018 from its own installer anytime (provided, of course, your computer meets the software system requirements.)

Note: Even though each version of Vectorworks is its own standalone application, you must ensure that your unique serial number suffix – the last 6 digits – is only used on your computer and not used on anyone else's computer. Even if you are no longer using your VW2017, you may not give that older version and your serial number to anyone else for them to use.

Now, if you want to update your currently installed version of Vectorworks, you do of course need to have that version of Vectorworks installed.

  • For example, if you want to update your currently installed VW2018 SP1 to SP2, this would only require that you run the VW2018 SP2 updater.